Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Let's call a Spade a Spade.

How many times have you heard phrases like "it's just a phase," "boys will be boys," or "God doesn't care if I do ___?" All too often, we as people try to rationalize our sins, making ourselves feel better by lying to ourselves about our sin.

Everyone reading this article is a sinner. Everyone you've ever met, known, known of, or never knew, was and is a sinner, an abomination in God's eyes. Why then do we try to act as if it's all right to keep living in sin, and living as we were before we knew our Lord?

From what I understand, we do it 1 to make ourselves feel better and 2 because we don't want to stop our sins. We think we need them, so we hide them from the public eye, from ourselves, and try to hide them from God (we lie to ourselves that this is possible, too.)  Even if we admit it to ourselves, we can't get out of the sin until we admit that we have a problem and can't do it alone to both God and our loved ones.

This is another thing God's been working on me for quite some time, and figured there's plenty of you out there that do the same. Since this is so close to home, I'm not going to just talk about it, I'm going to act on it (wow, last post is working. God is good, amen?)

So here it is, faithful readers. For the past 8 years, I've wrestled with an addiction to pornography. The enemy has had such a strong foothold in my life that it's a daily fight to stay away from it. I can't beat the sin alone, and so I come to my family. Please pray for me and keep me in your thoughts that God may work more on me and in me, through me to others. Thank you brothers and sisters.

Humbly in His hand,